Montag, 31. Oktober 2011


anchor in/ out

Your High School time is a lot about figuering out who you are and who you want to become. One way to present yourself is your style and how you dress. Sometimes it needs more than only one try to find out what fits best to your character. Laura Neuschulz is repording on 3 completely different teenagers from Eastview, who are all in the middle of finding out how they want to be seen from others.

This was Laura recording for the Flash. Thanks Laura.
I guess I'm gonna go home and find my own style now.

Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2011

opening activity

Answer the following questions on your blog:

1. List and describe two things you already knew.
- get a couple different shots ( different angles, tight and wide shots).
- shoot a lot more than you are really gonna use.

2. List and describe two things you learned for the first time.
- get a wide and a tight shot of the same subject to create greater interest.
- film  interesting sequences. Instead of getting one shot of an activity, shoot the same one from dirfferent agles and use them as angles.
- get natural sounds

Montag, 10. Oktober 2011

opening activity

ANSWER the following questions regarding the story and the reading:

1. What is the angle in the Pumped for Pumpkins story?
How he maintains the pumpkins. His relationship with the pumpkins.

2. Give two examples of short sound bites from the story.
``I named that one Chubbaca``, ``I didn`t want to know the weight of the pumpkin``

3. Give an example of sequenced shots.
Different shots of the pumkin. closer, farther. Pumkin in focus, man in background.

Freitag, 7. Oktober 2011

opening activity

Shayna`s Story

1. What is the role of the reporter's seques in this story?
 Making the story exciting and including information.

2. Why do you think she did not include a stand-up in the story?
I think it would take away the suspence and fluence.

3. What is the biggest surprise in the story?
That she was 2 weaks pregnant.

4. How does the story end with hope?
She and her baby are healthy.

Donnerstag, 6. Oktober 2011

Death of Steve Jobs

I love Apple. So I was shocked when my hostdad told me that he is dead this morning. My first thought was `oh my gosh`. Who is going to invent new Apple stuff. But then it came in my mind that he probebly isn`t the only one who workes for Apple. So I came down a bit. But it`s still sad, because he was too young to die I think.

Donnerstag, 29. September 2011

Opening Activity

1. Open the battery cover& push the card in as indicated.
2.Open the LCD monitor or press and hold down the power button for 1 second then to turn it off press and hold the power button for 1-3 seconds
3. On the back of the hand held piece
4. Above the record button on the back of the hand held piece
5. Press the MODE button and use the Joystick to switch "My Works" mode. Then chose between the video and picture and then press the OK key to enter the index mode.
6. Press the menu button and select which option you want
7. Video resolution, pictuer resolution, nightShot, WB

Mittwoch, 28. September 2011


1. establishing shot
2. show setting and surrounding
3. less setting, more details, focus on specific area
4. tight shot, lots of details

Dienstag, 27. September 2011

OPENING ACTIVITY: Watch Coach part 1.

1. What is a sound bite?
     A piece of an Interview
2. What is B-Roll?
    music/ noices in the background

Mittwoch, 21. September 2011

Brazil is sending 75,000 students to the worlds best colleges

It surprises me that a poor country like Brazil has the opportunity to give so many students the chance to visit one of the best universitys in the world. I think that will perhaps help this country to change.


Dienstag, 20. September 2011

My own Interview

Topic : foreign exchange student
Angle : Family hostes an exchange student
Questions: Hostdad:- How did you get the idea about hosting an exchange student?
- What are the reasons for hosting a teenager you don`t know?
- What is the most difficult thing of hosting an exchange stundent?
- In which way changes an exchange student your daily life? ( positiv, negativ)
- Are you still going to host another exchange student next year?

Hostmom:- After which creteria are you picking the exchange student?
- What would

Ruby Bridges

She was the first coloured person at a school for white children in Lousiana. Ruby was born in 1954.
There`s a film called The Problem We All Live With ,which showes the situation of the, at that time,  6 year-old girl.
Today Ruby lives in New Orleans and is the leader of the 'Ruby Bridges Foundation' she founded in 1995.

Montag, 19. September 2011

Bob Dotson

Rule of threes the silence:
Wait a beat before you ask a new question. That makes the person in the interview tellimg you more, sometimes more interesting things about your question, because they think you still don`t understand their answer and they have to explain it more.

Nonquestion Question:
Make the person you are interviewing to tell you something interesting with telling him a story of your live first. They feel more comfortable when it seems like you are speaking with them, not asking.

Finalist from East Ridge High

It`s pretty cool, that a teacher from a school I played against, is one of the three finalist for the `Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching`. Really exciting is the meeting with Barack Obama in Washington D.C.

Proximity, Prominence, Unusualy

Freitag, 16. September 2011

Jonesboro shootings

Mitchell Johnson, 13, and Andrew Golden, 11 shot there classmates and teachers down after one of them asked for excuse from his class, pushed the fire alarm and got the other boy to join in. It happened in Jonesboro, Arkansas. The two boys joined in gun clubs before. Because of their age both are not charged.

Unusualness, (human interest)

Donnerstag, 15. September 2011

Father tossed son off boat

On Wednesday a man was charged for tossing his 7-year old son off boat. It happened on August 28 under the influence of alcohol at the Newport Beach Harbor. The father still thinks he did not do anything wrong and it wasn`t his fault.

I can`t believe how a father can do something like that to his son. The story really shocked me.

type of unusualness

Mittwoch, 14. September 2011

Biggest Big Mac in the world

The biggest Big Mac in the world is about 14ft tall and 12ft across and is housed in Thankfully, a museum that is also a working Mc Donalds. The museum opened in Pennsylvania in 2007 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the burger’s creation. The inventor  Jim “MJ” Delligatti put together the two all beef-patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun in 1967 to Ronald McDonald honour. If you want to try eating it, good luck. Just each pickle is about 2 feet across.

I think, this type of museum is a more funny and interesting way to teach about art.

Dienstag, 13. September 2011

google +

I think it would take some time until google + is as popular as facebook. But generely I can imagine that this social website could work out. Probebly there are many people all over the world who would like to join in in a website with more games than facebook. So maybe it`s a different group of people who are going to be a part of google+ than in facebook, like younger people. Both websites could work at the same time. But I think there is no website which is able to be more popular than facebook!

Donnerstag, 8. September 2011

Introducing Jennifer

Jennifer is a shy girl until she gets to know the people and becomes outgoing. Before she moved to Eastview, Jennifer went to Lake Ville North for 2 years. Traveling means a lot to her so she has been to Hawaii and Aruba 3 times. Her plan for the future is becoming a news reporter, because of that she takes this class.

one sentence:
Jennifer, who went to Lake Ville North for 2 years, travels a lot and wants to become a news reporter.

Two schools and traveling.

Article Summary 9.8.11

A 19-years old man was shot down over the weekend in Minnesota. After that the 23-years old Lonnell Powell and the 30-years old Tionne Hunter were charged with second degree murder, second degree attempted murder, and accomplice to the crimes. There was also a 25 year old man that was in the house when the 19 year old was shot, however the 25 year old only has minor injuries.